Patrick J. Buchanan
While many have argued passionately that it is time to put America and Americans first, Roger Simmermaker, in How Americans Can Buy American, shows us how. His book is a patriot’s guide to shopping. The American worker and small businessman does not have a better friend.
Patrick J. Buchanan
Author, Syndicated Columnist,
and former Presidential candidate
R. Thomas Buffenbarger
How Americans Can Buy American is a book from which both union and non-union working Americans can benefit. Applying the principles in this book will help save the middle class by protecting middle-class jobs that pay good, middle-class wages.
R. Thomas Buffenbarger
Former International President, IAM&AW
Charley Reese
It’s easy to say we should buy American, but it’s not easy to actually do it. How Americans Can Buy American goes a long way toward turning a good idea into reality. It is essential for America to once again be as nearly a self-sufficient nation as possible. Mr. Simmermaker has performed a public service.
Charley Reese
Former Syndicated Columnist
Eamonn Fingleton
A lot of Americans are coming to realize that globalism is destroying the nation they grew up in but few have been more prescient or energetic than Roger Simmermaker in opposing the trend. In speaking out against the sophistry and humbug of the globalists, he is a leader in a movement that bids fair to become one of the most important in American history.
Eamonn Fingleton
Author of In the Jaws of the Dragon
Pat Choate
How Americans Can Buy American is an invaluable guide to consumers who want to buy products made in American factories by American workers.
Pat Choate
Economist and 1996 Vice-Presidential Candidate