US Chamber of Commerce wants to keep America dependent on China
The Chamber of Commerce and the other trade groups associated with it gussied up their plea to stop the “Buy America” mandates as being in the American interest. It’s all…
President Trump should issue the Buy American executive order to end China’s control of our medicines
With all we are facing today, with all the fear and outright transformation of our entire society, it might seem odd that a group of medical organizations would sign a…
Collaboration, “Buy American” efforts emerging from COVID-19 crisis
A Nielsen Company study found “shoppers are exhibiting signs that they may steer away from products that traveled long distances with multiple human touchpoints…” and that “consumers have generally displayed…
Perdue takes the ‘Made in USA’ beef labeling option over country of origin
Bill Bullard, R-CALF USA CEO says meatpackers and importers from as many as 20 foreign counties are feeding the American market with cheaper beef and passing it off to unsuspecting…
U.S. locks in tariffs on wooden cabinets from China
The United States imported some $4.4 billion worth of wooden cabinets, vanities and their components from China in 2018. The U.S. Commerce Department on Feb. 24 imposed anti-dumping duties of…
CPA Praises Commerce Department Ruling in Favor of U.S. Cabinet Makers
The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) is congratulating one of its members, Wellborn Cabinet, for winning one of the largest trade cases in U.S. history. The Alabama-based maker of…
Donald Trump Loves Those Big Tariffs. So Did Our Founding Fathers.
There was plenty of trade during the Colonial period. But none of it was free. England, like all colonial powers at the time, maintained exclusive control over valuable goods like…
Trump Expands Steel Tariffs, Saying They Are Short of Aim
The U.S. will expand its tariffs to cover products made of steel and aluminum — like nails, tacks, staples, cables, certain types of wire, and bumpers and other parts for…
Trump Expands Aluminum, Steel Tariffs to Some Imported Products
The Trump administration expanded its trademark steel and aluminum tariffs to cover certain imported nails, staples, electrical wires and some downstream parts that go into automobiles and tractors, among other…
China trade deal will not restore 3.7 million U.S. jobs lost since China entered the WTO in 2001
As shown in a forthcoming EPI report to be released later this month, growing U.S. trade deficits with China eliminated 3.7 million U.S. jobs between 2001 and 2018 alone, including…