Stop The Steel: Biden Is Replacing Trump’s Tariffs With Import Quotas
Instead of charging 25 percent tariffs on all steel imports, as Trump did, Biden’s deal includes a so-called “tariff-rate quota” that will allow 3.3 million metric tons of steel to…
The Only Way to Solve Our Supply Chain Crisis Is to Rethink Trade
The failure of the nation’s productive capacity to keep up with its needs was not inevitable. It was a choice. Over the last 30 years, experts and politicians in Washington…
NYC Ad Campaign Targets BlackRock’s China Love Affair
BlackRock is getting called out yet again on its love affair with all things China. And now, an ad campaign run by a group called the Consumers First Initiative is…
Worker-Centered Trade Means Reshoring U.S. Industries
The best way to begin rebuilding U.S. industry is not through more trade negotiations with foreign countries, but by taking direct action here at home to rebuild U.S. industries, even…
The ‘Shortage Economy’ Will Hit Us Just in Time for Christmas
Right now, there are 76 container ships off the coast of Los Angeles desperate to dock and unload their cargo. There are similar problems on the East Coast as well….
Lighthizer in The Economist: If Trade Deficit Persists Like This, U.S. Will ‘Bleed to Death’
The country has literally handed over trillions of dollars of its wealth to other countries, with China getting the lion’s share. This was never supposed to be able to happen…
USTR looks beyond phase one pact
“For too long, China’s lack of adherence to global trading norms has undercut the prosperity of Americans and others around the world,” Ms. Tai said. “In recent years, Beijing has…
Want to know what future battles over globalization will be about? Look to the chip shortage
First, President Trump levied tariffs on all things Chinese (including semiconductors). Then his administration also tried to prevent exports of U.S.-made, and later of any U.S.-designed, semiconductors to China. Many…
Vietnam Plans to Cut U.S. Pork Tariffs as Trade Tensions Ease
The planned cuts will see tariffs lowered to 10% from 15% for frozen pork, 2% from 5% on corn, and eliminated for wheat from the current 3%, Tuan said. The…
Katherine Tai Says China Tariffs “Effective”
USTR Katherine Tai says the Biden administration is fine with China tariffs. The world has not fallen apart because of them. Recent supply chain disruptions, all of them stemming from…