China Bolsters Its Dominance of Global Trade
Surging global demand for everything from hazmat suits to work-from-home technology has allowed China, which contained the virus months ago, to capture record market share of global exports by quickly…
China Fundraising On US Stock Markets This Year Hits $9 Billion, Tripling 2019 Level
According to the South China Morning Post, citing Dealogic data, so far this year, Chinese companies have raised $8.96 billion on US stock exchanges, more than triple the $2.6 billion…
Italy’s pasta label is ‘COOL’ protectionism
This past spring, Italy extended a labelling requirement on pasta through 2021. The label identifies where the wheat used to make the pasta is grown and milled. Italy says its…
Post-Covid capitalism: time to start questioning old assumptions
“Free-market ideology must be tempered if we are to create equality, but we must be wary of lapsing back into protectionism. Today’s consumers do not want more and better goods…
Is this really fair trade?
Why have the Chinese been allowed to buy American companies and investment property when China limits Americans to owning only their personal residence in China? Americans are allowed to buy…
Who Will Lead the WTO and Help It Avoid Collapse?
A key factor to understand is that all WTO decisions are made on the basis of consensus. This means the victor should, theoretically, have the complete backing of all 164…
South Korean Firms Reluctant to Bring Production Back From China
South Korea’s ramped-up efforts to get companies to relocate home from China are failing to gain momentum even as the pandemic and U.S.-China trade tensions highlight the risks of over-reliance…
U.S. Opens Trade Case to Probe Vietnam Currency Undervaluation
“Unfair currency practices can harm U.S. workers and businesses that compete with Vietnamese products that may be artificially lower-priced because of currency undervaluation,” Lighthizer said in a statement. Trade Representative…
U.S. Blocks Palm Oil Imports From One of the Top Producers
The U.S. has blocked imports of palm oil and palm oil products from Malaysia’s FGV Holdings Bhd., one of the world’s largest producers. Shipments from the company and its subsidiaries will…
Blueberry imports are hurting U.S. growers – what should be done?
The USTR will request the International Trade Commission to initiate a Section 201 global safeguard investigation into the extent to which increased imports of blueberries have caused serious injury to…