Why We Don’t Need a UK Free Trade Deal
For starters, both the U.S. and U.K. default tariff rates (UK calls their most favored nation default rate their “global” tariff rate) are already low. The Global Tariff averages at…
U.S. Trade Deficit Swells to Record as Goods, Oil Imports Surge
The U.S. trade deficit swelled in January to a record, reflecting pickups in the values of imported capital equipment and consumer goods as well as crude oil. The January gap…
China lifts restrictions on Russian wheat imports
Feb. 4. China signs a 30-year gas supply deal with Gazprom to build a new pipeline. And a 10-year oil supply deal with Rosneft. Feb. 25. China lifts all restrictions…
LG Announces U.S. Solar Factory Closure Just Weeks After Biden Guts 201 Solar Tariffs
The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today released a statement after LG Electronics Inc. announced it was exiting the global solar panel business, a decision that will impact 160…
LG Announces U.S. Solar Factory Closure Just Weeks After Biden Guts 201 Solar Tariffs
The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today released a statement after LG Electronics Inc. announced it was exiting the global solar panel business, a decision that will impact 160…
Paraguay Soy Crushers Plead for Duty-Free Imports to Stay Open
Paraguay’s oilseed processors are lobbying the government to allow duty-free soybean imports for the first time in order to keep their mills running as a drought slashes local production. Read…
Gibson: Free trade face imperiled future
Free trade has been getting a bad name. The political landscape that has supported free trade for decades, however, has shifted significantly in recent years, and not only in the United…
India Prohibiting Drone Imports Effectively Blocks China’s DJI
India banned the import of drones, a move that effectively blocks an emerging market for China’s SZ DJI Technology Co., the world’s top dronemaker, and encourages a nascent local industry…
WTO Largely Sides With South Korea Over Trump’s Washer Tariffs
The World Trade Organization said the U.S. violated international trade obligations in the way it imposed tariffs almost four years ago on South Korean exports of residential washing machines, according…
CPA Applauds Passage of House China Competition Bill
The bill, Import Security and Fairness Act (H.R. 6412), will narrow an import loophole, known as de minimis, that is used by non-market economies and counterfeiters to ship hundreds of…