US Tariffs on China Give Negotiating Leverage: Trade Chief
“The China tariffs are, in my view, a significant piece of leverage, and a trade negotiator never walks away from leverage,” US Trade Representative Katherine Tai said at a Senate…
Solar-Power Developers Pledge to Buy U.S. Panels—If Someone Makes Them
A group of solar development heavyweights has promised to purchase up to $6 billion worth of U.S.-built panels over the course of four years. The plan is to source up…
Solar Panel Tariffs on China Halted, Causing Astonishment
For US President Joe Biden, it’s a Hobson’s choice on Chinese solar panel imports. His new move to pause tariffs on imported Chinese-made silicone solar panels for two years has…
Companies Are Rethinking Their Supplier Networks After Covid
The pandemic has changed the nature of global supply chains with companies seeking to source goods from multiple places in order to minimize shipment and production disruptions. Read the article.
Yellen Urges Less Dependence on Other Nations for Key Supplies
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the US should work on shifting its dependence away from some rival nations for supplies of critical inputs as global supply-chain logjams have hurt the…
Despite Soaring Profits, Corporations are Asking the Government for China Tariff Cuts, Consumer Benefit Doubtful
Corporate profits grew by double and sometimes triple digits during the COVID-19 pandemic. Worker wages did not. Record corporate profits did not stop these importers’ lobbyists from pursuing even higher profits…
Harry Moser: Is the U.S. Succeeding at Reshoring?
Moser uses somewhat of a “cheat code” to measure onshoring. He measures reshoring by U.S. headquartered companies sourcing from the world, along with foreign direct investment (FDI) by foreign headquartered…
New CPA Policy Paper Warns U.S. Falling Behind in EV Batteries Race
The CPA policy paper forecasts that in 2025, China will continue to dominate global EV battery production with 56% of global production, while the U.S. will account for just 19%….
Biden Gives Green Light to China to Continue Illegal Trade Activity
“Instead of following U.S. law and holding China accountable for illegal trade activity, the Biden administration is giving China’s solar manufacturers a green light to continue circumventing AD/CVD duties. Equally…
Biden Just Went Against His Voters, Sided with China on Solar
However, it is unclear if commercial buyers will even need U.S. made product if they now have unfettered, duty-free access to Chinese multinational solar panels that have been flowing out…