Lighthizer’s terrible new book
Another free trader who think the views of Adam Smith should direct trade policy for the U.S. He refuses to acknowledge that when George Washington signed the Tariff Act of…
Adam Smith’s Presumption for Unilateral Free Trade
The article states “the burden of proof is on protectionists to justify government-erected obstacles and not on free traders to justify keeping commerce free.” This is not true. The U.S….
Trump’s Trade Policies Were Poor, Sadly, Biden’s Are Much Worse
Apparently, this writer thinks President Biden’s trade stance is even more protectionist than former President Trump’s. If free traders think our trade policies are increasingly more protectionist, we should be…
CPA Statement On House Passage Of The FY 2024 NDAA
The House FY 2024 NDAA contains A provision prohibiting American taxpayer funds to be used for research in or in connection with China, but failed to include an amendment that…
China criticizes German call for reducing dependency on Chinese products as ‘protectionism’
“Anyone who listens to China knows with what self-confidence it will decisively influence the development of our world — more repressive at home and more offensive abroad,” Baerbock said. “China…
How Bidenomics has busted the free trade rule book
Familiar articles of economic faith like globalisation, free trade, free markets, deregulation and minimal government direction and market intervention have ceded policy ground and political support. Now the economic mantra…
What the World Doesn’t Understand About China’s Ambitions
How naive that the London School of Economics professor and author of the new book “The New China Playbook,” Keyu Jin, actually believes “that one of the biggest misconceptions is…
America is Rediscovering its Recipe for Economic Success
The “American System” devised by Henry Clay in 1812 followed Alexander Hamilton’s 1791 economic plan. Both favored tariffs, subsidies, and infrastructure development. Beijing has used the American System over the…
GOP shift from free trade is irreversible, Trump Trade Representative Lighthizer says
“We changed the objective of trade policy away from price optimization and corporate profits and more towards jobs and workers and families,” he said. Lighthizer said that while there are…
Pro-Growth Tariffs: Modified Economic Model Shows Domestic Growth
Economic models used to forecast the impact of international trade agreements have an in-built bias to favor free trade. This has led these models to underestimate repeatedly the damage done…