US lawmakers want Biden to hike tariffs on Chinese-made vehicles
A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers want the Biden administration to hike tariffs on Chinese-made vehicles and investigate ways to prevent Chinese companies from exporting to the United States from…
Moroccan fertilizer tariffs slashed in ‘big win’ for farmers
“This victory was made possible by corn growers across the country who spoke out against these duties as they faced skyrocketing fertilizer prices and product shortages at the behest of…
It’s U.S. vs. China in an Increasingly Divided World Economy
For decades, the U.S. and other Western countries sought to make China both a partner and a customer in a single global economy led by the richest nations. Now trade…
Globalisation is slowly but surely unravelling
The best example is that of the US, which is increasingly adopting protectionist measures that discriminate against foreign firms. This use of interventionist measures to strengthen national players by discriminating…
New book examines the decline of globalisation
“A global recession, the resurgence of nationalism, fears for the environment, the Covid crisis and growing geo-political tensions have resulted in the re-emergence of trade barriers and toxic international relations,”…
Do Shortages Signal the Fragility of Free Trade?
Republican Senator J.D. Vance blamed a shortage of amoxicillin (a common treatment for ear infections) on free trade and has used it to issue calls for “reshoring.” Secretary of the…
US Supreme Court turns away challenge to steel import tariffs
The justices turned away an appeal by Irving, Texas-based PrimeSource Building Products of a lower court’s decision to uphold a 25% tariff on some steel derivatives, such as nails and…
National security can justify higher tariffs
“Because China has made everybody think that it is the place to go for intermediate goods, we shouldn’t ignore others—there are other smaller producers around the world which have near…
U.S. Solar Industry Threatened By China’s Overproduction
Most of these solar modules are coming from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Malaysia—the same countries that the U.S. Department of Commerce determined last year are being used by Chinese solar manufacturers…
In My View: In praise of tariffs
What have we lost from leaving tariffs behind? Many thousands of manufacturing jobs—historically, the best-paid employment for Americans without college degrees. I’m unconvinced that having 5,000 different eyeglass frames to…