Our Founding Fathers Rejected
FREE TRADE And So Should We

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China’s threat to U.S. energy independence

Many Americans tend to think of the U.S.-China trade war in terms of theft of intellectual property, technology transfer, or imported steel that goes into Whirlpool washing machines. However, it turns out that this trade war is about a lot more. It is about American independence, which should be the real reason patriotic Americans will soon celebrate Independence Day on July 4th.

Few Americans would disagree that our country should be energy independent. However, as domestic drilling is on the rise, China is dumping drilling equipment in America at prices so low that make it next to impossible for U.S. manufacturers to compete. Specifically, imports of Chinese-made, lower-end couplings have doubled within the last three years, threatening good U.S. jobs that pay good U.S. wages.

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