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U.S. Faces Record Agricultural Imports, Worst Trade Deficit In History

The United States is now on pace to reach a $39 billion agricultural trade deficit in 2024 amid all-time record imports. Despite a steady trade surplus in grains and oilseeds, the U.S. faces widespread agricultural trade deficits across all other products. The U.S. meat/seafood trade deficit has reached $19.5 billion. The U.S. fruit trade deficit reaches $12 billion and vegetables reaches $4.8 billion, whereas in the 1970s, the U.S. was a net-exporter of fruits and vegetables. Beef, seafood, tomatoes, berries, potatoes, and onions are seeing the largest trade deficit declines in the past decade. Highest agricultural trade deficit with Mexico ($17.2 billion) and Canada ($11.5 billion).

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